
Fishing Tips for Beginners

freshwater fishing side cast

At first glance the sport of fishing may seem like a fairly easy concept to grasp, however any seasoned angler knows there is more to it than a hook, bobber, and worms. In all reality, fishing should be looked at more as a process in which fishermen can catch more fish by the amount they prepare themselves. 

Safety First

From the time we took our first steps into kindergarten to the time you took your drivers test we all have been preached about how important safety is in our day to day lives. Fishing like any sport has its risks, however these risks can be mitigated with some simple precautions. 

  • Cast away from fellow fishermen and or trees/brush. 
  • Avoid casting into heavy wind.
  • Start off with simple casting techniques; the side cast is a less forceful type of cast and easier to learn.
  • Avoid yanking a trapped hook, instead lightly jiggle your rod and move in different directions to break it free. It may take some time to break free of the object that you are caught on but it will avoid you having to cut the line and fling the hook out towards you or another angler. 
  • Bring a pair of pliers, when removing a hook with your hands you can easily get hooked yourself when a fish starts to flail around. 
  • Bring a couple of bottles of water. Just like in any sport hydration is a must and will keep you less fatigued while out on the water. 
spinning fishing reel

Understanding Your Lure

There are many types of lures out on the market, some of which look realistic and others that have eye catching skirts and sparkles. You can rig up soft plastic baits with various rigging methods such as the texas rig or you can use a hard bait such as a crankbait. The most important thing about a lure is how it swims. When using a lure you need to look at it closely and think in what way should it swim in the water. Seems simple right? One of the most common mistakes a beginner angler can make is casting a lure and reeling it in fast or in a robot-like motion. When it comes to fish they do not think like you and me but instead, they react, and fish will react to something they are used to seeing in the water. By pulling your rod up or down while reeling in your lure it will change the way the lure moves in the water. Of course, you will need to try your best to find the right method for the lure you are using to mimic a realistic swim style. 

Knowing Your Reel

Your fishing reel is undoubtedly one of your most important assets when it comes to fishing. It not only is a tool to reel in the fish on your line but it can prevent your line from snapping when a large fish is on your line by properly setting the drag. The ‘drag’ is a pair of friction plates within your reel, if a large fish pulls hard enough then the friction is overcome and the reel will start to rotate backward which in turn lets line out and prevents the line from breaking. Another key point to know about your reel is the suggested line strength and capacity. Often fishermen put on much higher line strength than is actually needed, this can result in poor performance when it comes to casting and retrieval. It is best to follow manufacturer guidelines when it comes to choosing the right line strength for your reel. 

Patience is a Virtue

This is undoubtedly the most important tip anyone can give you. Patience seems like a fairly easy thing to achieve but when it comes to fishing it can easily become frustrating and for some rod breaking. When you start to get into the sport of fishing you will hear the phrase “It’s called fishing not catching” a lot. This is because there will be times or even days where you may not even catch a single fish. On top of that, you yourself will make mistakes that will become frustrating such as casting into a tall majestic tree, tie a loose knot and lose a lure, get snagged on a 200-pound log fish, and so on. Big fish and knowing fishing conditions will come with time, as long as you are persistent you will in time catch your next personal best fish and become a better fisherman. 

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